Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sharon's Colorful Creation

As I said yesterday, Sharon and I are now sewing together here every Thursday. At least for the summer. We may not make every Thursday due to vacations or such, but our goal is to hit most of them.

So, now that we've established that the two of us are sewing on Thursdays, we probably ought to get to looking at Sharon's fantastic finish.

When we began our day, Sharon already had the individual units sewn together. She anticipated a rough stretch of 'math' - she's as averse to it as I am - but it turned out that she simply needed to be orderly in her stitching, thus the neat color-specific stacks.

She said that as she moved through this process, she felt as though she established a rhythm and felt pretty confident that she'd done a pretty good job of keeping things in the correct order. After all the strip-piecing in one direction, she laid it out on the bed to check for mistakes. Can you see anything amiss?

There are two small problems. One, which isn't visible in the picture, is a light orange/dark orange misplacement. The other one is definitely visible. Look in the upper left corner for a square turned the wrong way. She did a bit of unsewing and correcting, and then got straight to work on sewing the rows together. Straight off the sewing machine without even a pressing, her finish is below.

There is a story for this quilt. A year or two ago, our quilting friend Jan (of the Frankfort Girls) gave everyone who attended the Canter's Cave Retreat this kit. I have one just like it waiting to be stitched. Isn't that a generous gift? Jan is the best.

And in one day, Sharon has a new quilt. She promises to send a picture when she has it all pressed and free of loose threads. And I promise I will share it when she does.

Happy Quilting, Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely quilt! You guys have so much fun together, how neat you can get together every week. Happy Stitching!


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