Friday, September 2, 2022

Quilty, Crinkly Goodness

Laundry day here. Washed the bedding this morning, and I went a step further than I usually do - I washed the quilt, too. Quilts only get washed if they are used, and this has been on our bed all summer. It occurred to me when folding it fresh from the dryer that I don't believe I have ever documented the crinkly nature of a freshly laundered quilt. Oh my, it is so very appealing!!

The shadows in the room are producing a strange looking color on the folded quilt. I tried some filters, but I am so bad at that. Just trust me, this quilt looks mighty cozy in its freshly-laundered crinkliness!

This quilt has been our go-to choice this summer, and even though a lot of people are putting summer things away, I put this back on the bed for now. I just can't make myself think in terms of changing out summer stuff for fall decorating yet. 

These fresh linens will be super cozy to crawl into tonight! The smell will be heavenly. Nothing beats fresh linens on the bed.

I've talked about getting a few quilts loaded onto the long arm and doing a lot of quilting this month. One quilt I always think would look fantastic as a fall quilt on our bed is this one I finished in 2017, and have yet to quilt. I call it Dusty Trails, as I always think of pioneer women quilting fabrics like this when settling ever westward. The fabrics have a historic, old-fashioned, somewhat dusty look to them.


Just think how nice this will look all quilted up on the bed! Then think of that extra step of laundering it and getting it just the right crinkly texture. Mmm. I am motivating myself, can you tell?

But, today, DH and I are going to play. I have two loaves of zucchini bread to deliver, and then I believe we are going to go swimming. And for even more fun, we are taking the CanAm Spyder instead of the car. Whoo-hoo, we are wild, aren't we???

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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