Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Missing: Mental Focus

I swear, some days I totally lack an attention span. Most days, maybe. Last Wednesday had me absolutely flitting from project to project, idea to idea and never accomplishing much of anything.

I even mentioned in this post that my willingness to chase squirrels has been in overdrive - I have been doing quite a lot of chasing. 

Here's a recap of last week, as best as I can recall.

SUNDAY - Stitch on some hexies; cut fabric for more hexie-making; prepare little project box for trip.

MONDAY and TUESDAY - In the car; stitching hexies.

WEDNESDAY - Flitting; I couldn't land on anything! Work (minimally) on William Morris quilt; work (minimally) on hexies; clean just one spot in the quilting room; sort patterns; print more patterns (free one from online); think about new projects - tree quilt, leaf quilt, Kaffe quilt, jelly roll quilt and others; scold myself for ignoring Lake Effect; scold myself for ignoring long-arming; scold myself ignoring 9-patch/snowball quilt. 

Whew! Exhausting all that flitting!

THURSDAY - Realize that tomorrow is a Frankfort Girls day, and I don't have a finish to share! Finally decide to put a quilt on the long arm; fix horrible tension issues; quilt the 3-yard quilt; affix the binding.

FRIDAY - Go to quilting (9-noon) at Sheryll's; stitch binding; at home, load a quilt on the long arm; again face tension issues; grumble and dither over this ever-recurring issue; work on William Morris; work on hexies.

Now that I have written it all out, it looks like only Wednesday was a total squirrel day. Add in parts of Thursday (morning) and Friday (afternoon). Why does it seem as though the entire week was like that?

Brains. Who knows how they work?

I have a number of projects to show you, but since we had quilting with the Frankfort Girls on Friday, let me show you Terry's stunning patriotic quilt. I love this, and it looks so simple! She says she is done with patriotic sewing and is officially moving on into fall sewing. I like the way she thinks!

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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