Monday, October 30, 2023

Bridal Quilt Progress

For awhile mid-month, it felt like I had a bazillion PHDs (Projects Half Done) staring at me and, of course, I couldn't make myself work on any of them. I get that way, sometimes. It's as if the volume of finishing tasks paralyzes me, rendering me unable to engage with any project and finish it.

Throw in a long arm machine that begins to act up, an uncooperative computer, and the normal assorted family events  - well, I was fairly inert for several days.

One of the PHDs I really needed to knock out was the bridal quilt we Frienzies are making for Susan's daughter Kenly. We sewed the parts at the end of September, and then I volunteered for the task of sewing all the long strips (shown below) together to complete the quilt top.

Finally, I have completed this task. I really dragged my feet, but it was so easy and straightforward. The fact that it is a king-size quilt top might have played a part in my reluctance to finish this off - all that bulk! Kings are really hard to handle just because of the mass of fabric one must manage.

Neither of these pictures adequately shows a pretty quilt and that is because of the enormous size. Making matters worse is that a good bit of trimming needs to be done off the sides. I really have no place large enough - or well lit enough - to take a decent picture. You'll just have to trust me that it really is a pretty quilt, in a very subtle, monochromatic way.

I now need to hand this off to one of the other Frienzies who will take care of the next stage of finishing - professional long arming. Going into the Christmas holidays, I doubt this is the most optimal time for us, but oh well.

I have been knocking out a few other PHDs - borders for Autumn Leaves; the growth chart for Cate; quilting and binding Alpine; Hettie's baby quilt - just to name a few. I was also making a little smock for Cate and starting another baby quilt for a friend of daughter Emma.

Maybe now I am back on track. I sewed a good bit on the newest baby quilt yesterday, and this week I hope to long arm a couple of quilts. 

And, best news of all - I've solved my computer woes! With the help of several readers and other bloggers who were having similar problems, I am once again fully functioning!

Hope you all have a productive week!

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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