Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Long Arm Goals

NOTE: Since I didn't provide any quilt pictures yesterday, I have gone overboard today.

Here is the current quilt on the long arm machine - Alpine, which I made a few months ago - June, maybe. It is not large at 58"x64" and should quilt up really fast. In fact, I may try to do it later today.

If it seems like I am getting more long arm quilting done, here's the reason.  In January, I always make a yearly goals list, sort of in the same vein as a new year's resolution list. This is the first year, however, that I made two classifications of lists - one for piecing quilts and one for quilting quilts.

The quilting quilts side of the list was very brief with just three items.

        1. Quilt every new quilt as I make it. 

        2. Quilt 2 quilts per month from the older quilts in the closet. 

        3. Move handles to the back of the machine to try pantographs.

Frankly, until just a few weeks ago, I'd forgotten that I had set these goals, so not surprisingly, I am woefully behind schedule. I don't honestly think I will get anywhere close on #2, so I won't even stress about that. I have done a few, and I am thrilled with those accomplishments.

Here are the ones done from the closet, i.e. the #2 goal.

Cobalt Stars

Economy Blue

Snowflakes at Dusk

Dusty Trails

Four quilts according to the goal I set means I was on pace for 2 months. I could quilt like crazy from now to the end of the year, and maybe I could do it, but who needs that kind of pressure? A goal (likely) unmet is not the end of the world.

Next, let's get up to speed on the #3 goal - trying the pantographs. I am totally willing (and eager!) to do this, and even began one day not long ago. However, I soon learned that my laser light isn't working and I couldn't see moving along any further until I got that fixed or replaced. I have done some online searching today and discovered that I likely have a light which is battery operated. In other words, this is probably a quick fix. If so, I will definitely move forward here.

Finally, the #1 goal - quilt every new quilt I make this year. Now believe it or not, while I am nowhere near to being caught up with this goal, it will be loads less effort to get caught up because I've made fewer quilts. I might normally bemoan this fact, but in light of quilting them, fewer quilts is perhaps a good thing.

I have both pieced and quilted these quilts this year. Not a lot, but hey, they're done!

Red 9-Patch Scrappy
Henry Ludwig Baby Quilt

Jelly Filled

If I try to accomplish the goal of quilting all tops pieced this year, assuming Alpine will be done, only 7 more need to be quilted. (Autumn Leaves, Layer Cake Flowers, Posies and Polka Dots, Buffalo Check, Baby Girl Shoemaker Quilt. William Morris Economy, and Floral Diamonds)

Gosh, I believe it's possible. Wouldn't that be something?

So, I march along here on the 11th day of October (already!), attempting to achieve some goals while continuing to enjoy every aspect of this quilting journey.

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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