Sunday, October 23, 2022

Some Slow Stitching

Since midweek, just about the only sewing I have done has been of the slow-stitching variety. As the week began, I was finishing up the snowball flimsy, then I moved on to prepping a quilt backing, and cleaning up some of the clutter left in the wake of the William Morris quilt.

Late week, the schedule got busy and I have only taken smidgens of time here and there for handwork.

Said handwork has been one or the other of the projects shown in these photos. I carry that hexie kit with me to all the places - this week it went to the regular gathering of the Frankfort Girls. I stitched a few card stock templates into place, and then formed the beginning of a flower.

I thought I was going to stop making these, but apparently I changed my mind somewhere along the line. Probably when I realized I had just cut a bazillion templates a few weeks ago. If I have the templates, then I needn't be stopping. (Giving myself a stern talking-to!)

And I try to sit at the quilting frame for an hour or so each evening whilst we watch television. Baseball season ended for our Guardians, so now it's time for catching up on old shows and movies we've missed.

And that's my slow stitching update for this week. Love that I am making progress on both these projects. Check out all the slow stitchers over at the link-up at Kathy's Quilts.

Have a blessed week! I expect we will be extra-blessed this week, as - at last! - we are counting down to the end of our daughter's pregnancy. Baby girl Dillon due any day now!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. Your hexies are looking fabulous, Jayne. And spending an hour a day certainly will move the quilting along. I do need to get back on my schedule and do the same. Have a wonderful week. I know you are on pins and needles waiting for the your new blessed arrival.

  2. The hexagon flowers are lovely and your quilting sure is progressing quickly. How exciting a little one almost here. Enjoy your week.

  3. Hexies are a favorite of mine. Your colors are so pretty. I also love the colors in your quilt!


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