Saturday, October 29, 2022

Meet Catherine

She has arrived! I promise not to be an over-sharing type of grandmother, but I am happy to share this announcement and first picture. Born on Thursday, Catherine Alice Dillon arrived at 5:13pm, weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs., 15 oz. Both mom and baby are doing great and this new grandma is over-the-moon in love. Cate has a full head of black hair and is so very alert. In the photo she is not yet 3 hours old, and just look at how she gazes up at her mother in absolute wonderment.

DDErin and SILJeff are already fantastic parents to this precious one. They got home from the hospital this morning, and we will leave them to their little family for a few days. In the meantime, maybe I will try remembering how to sew and quilt.

Have a great Saturday! I bet there are a few Halloween parties tonight, so beware the ghosts and goblins! DH and I will go to our party dressed as grandparents. *heh-heh*

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. She is so cute. Really attentive!! Congratulations to you and Kevin - and the parents, of course.

  2. Congratulations to the new parents and grand-parents. Precious little bundle of joy. ;^)

  3. Congratulations to you and your family! She is beautiful. It's wonderful being a grandparent! Enjoy!


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