Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Finishing Up Loose Ends

Trying to figure out why I sometimes have such a propensity for procrastinating, and it is completely mystifying. In late August, I cut this fun green print and leftover grunge combination. My plan was to make a snowball quilt. 

And I went straight to work on making the blocks. In fact, I shared a couple of posts about my progress - first here, and later here where I am focused on saving the cut-away triangles off the snowballs.

So, started in August; ignored in September. I made all the blocks and then just left them untouched for an entire month while I worked on William Morris. I suppose my thinking was that this quilt would be so easy, while I was expecting quite the challenge with William. And if I were in the mood to work on a challenge, then I'd best do it while my mind was focused.

And so, my precious little snowballs and 9-patches sat untouched for a very long time. Finally this past weekend, I decided that putting this quilt together was long overdue.

My goodness, I had no idea I'd finish it so quickly. It went together like a dream!

I love how it is turning out. Now, it's not very big, as the 6" blocks are arranged 7x9. The good news is I have several snowball blocks left over, and more fabric, so I plan to make the necessary additional blocks for a quilt that will be 8x10. If my sharp, math-calculating brain is correct, that comes out to 48"x60". Still small, but very much acceptable for a cozy lap quilt or throw quilt.

That's my agenda for today. Sharon is coming to sew later on, and this will be my top priority. Pics to follow!

Happy quilting, Friends!

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