Thursday, October 13, 2022

Hexies and Hand Quilting

In this post from just a few days back, I announced that I thought I'd stop working on these hexie flowers. 

Then I changed my mind. 

I needed something to keep my hands busy while on the road. With plenty of hexie cardboard templates at my disposal and, of course, fabric - these only take scraps! - I am picking them up and getting back to work. This little plastic container is perfectly portable.

I  made an entire flower and prepped a few additional hexies on this recent trip.

Having that snap-on lid is necessary for keeping all the little parts together - scissors, beeswax, thread, earbuds, templates and fabrics. Here is my little plastic basket of templates cut recently using friend Becky's die-cutter. I grab a handful to take along in the lidded container.

And so, it appears hexies will be another of my ongoing projects. (I do remember that I have Lake Effect waiting patiently for my attention!! )

Now back at home, I find time each evening to take a few stitches on Fall Foliage. It has been nice getting back into hand quilting, and, unlike previous years, I can see myself staying with this to a finish. Keeping it simple helps make the stitching go faster.

My agenda today has been getting ready to host an impromptu bonfire with some friends tomorrow night. Fall bonfires with good friends - what a great way to start the weekend!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. Hi Jayne, what weight cardboard do you use for templates? I just got a hexagon template for my AccuQuilt cutter and I'm not sure what to use. Thanks!

    1. Hi Carolyn! I had a stack of card stock that I’d copied something on for handouts a long time ago; ended up not using them. I couldn’t stand to wasted the paper, so I kept it with the idea that I could create hexie templates. This is the equivalent of 3x5 card weight.


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